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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Party And Punishment

Date of occurrence:
May 30, 2015.

Kc's girlfriend's sister has a Birthday party today and his girlfriend made sure he was invited. He is so excited and gets up at the crack of dawn. It actually was even before that. It is 5:44 am when we hear: "Good morning, Oma and Opa."

Me: "My goodness, boy. You think by getting up early you can go to the party early?"
He just grins, sits down in the living room and turns on the TV. Uh oh, that is a definite no-no.

Due to not following directions a few days ago and buying stuff online in spite of Mom's warnings not to, he is not allowed to go on any electronics for a period of two weeks. He is allowed to go to the party, but had to give up using any technical devices whatsoever during the weekends.

Opa: "Kc, you know better. No electronics today. Nice try, boy".

He turns off the TV and realizes it is back to the basics; the good ole toys, books, and playing outside. He has no clue as to what to do though and keeps asking for ideas to occupy his time.

At 9 am he already had breakfast, showered, picked out his clothes for the party, read, played guitar, played outside with his water gun, and blew bubbles.

What to do next?

Opa suggests he goes exploring in the woods behind our yard, providing he watches out for snakes.

Opa tells Kc to let the woods talk to him; listen to the noises, look for animals, and find a nice stick to poke around with.

That's a good idea and armed with a canteen full of water, a bucket, and a camera he wanders off.

He stays out for about half an hour and has a good time.

It is finally time to go to the party. It turns out to be a pool party which we didn't know, but that is no problem: girlfriend's brother is more then happy to lend Kc some trunks.

After getting back, we play some board games and then it is bedtime. All in all, it didn't seem so bad being banished from all those electronics.

Maybe we ought to do that more often!


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