Joy Ride
Date of occurrence:
December 21, 2009.
Lil' Kc is 2 years and almost 11 months old.
Lil' Kc is not even three years old, but very sharp, smart and observant. He and his brother are staying over at his father's grandparents for the moment and are happy to have their Daddy stay with them until after New Year, when he has to go back to Military school.
They are sleeping in one room for now and lil' Kc always is an early bird. He woke up around 5 AM yesterday morning, got up, got his daddy's car keys and headed out the door. He knows how to lock and unlock doors; without a latch they are no obstacle for him.
Once outside, he went to his grandma's car and managed to climb in. He knows where the key goes and cranked the car. The car started rolling and came to a stand still against one of the pillars of the house. That's when his daddy woke up and found little critter sitting in the car, unfazed by all of it.
Fortunately he did not get hurt, the house was fine, but the car suffered some major scratches. Daddy rigged the bedroom door to where he will be woke up when his oldest son tries pulling this stunt again. Latches are on the 'to buy list'.
I suppose lil' Kc thought; the early bird catches the worm. He probably did not expect to catch a pillar. As far as hitting the road; I am glad he never made it that far.
I guess we all anticipated a joyride at one point, but certainly not at this young age!
December 21, 2009.
Lil' Kc is 2 years and almost 11 months old.
Lil' Kc is not even three years old, but very sharp, smart and observant. He and his brother are staying over at his father's grandparents for the moment and are happy to have their Daddy stay with them until after New Year, when he has to go back to Military school.
They are sleeping in one room for now and lil' Kc always is an early bird. He woke up around 5 AM yesterday morning, got up, got his daddy's car keys and headed out the door. He knows how to lock and unlock doors; without a latch they are no obstacle for him.

Fortunately he did not get hurt, the house was fine, but the car suffered some major scratches. Daddy rigged the bedroom door to where he will be woke up when his oldest son tries pulling this stunt again. Latches are on the 'to buy list'.
I suppose lil' Kc thought; the early bird catches the worm. He probably did not expect to catch a pillar. As far as hitting the road; I am glad he never made it that far.
I guess we all anticipated a joyride at one point, but certainly not at this young age!
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