Our Little Princess
Date of occurrence:
December 25, 2009.
Emmy is a little over 10 weeks old.
Emmaly has been staying with us, while her brothers are spending their days with their other grandmother and great-grandparents. It would have been too much for them taking care of all three, so we offered to take Emmy.
This pleased our oldest daughter to no end and she is by her niece's side and taking care of her almost the entire time. She will hand her over to me when I ask, but it is with reluctance.
She is also the one who bought little Emmy this pretty dress for Christmas and went through all the trouble of dressing her up, sitting her up with the support of the pillows and taking the picture.
I don't think all the hustle and bustle was worth it to Emmy, looking at her face. There is no doubt in my mind that will change over the years. Her aunt will see to that. Grin.
She looked so cute though; just like a little princess! :-)
December 25, 2009.
Emmy is a little over 10 weeks old.
This pleased our oldest daughter to no end and she is by her niece's side and taking care of her almost the entire time. She will hand her over to me when I ask, but it is with reluctance.
She is also the one who bought little Emmy this pretty dress for Christmas and went through all the trouble of dressing her up, sitting her up with the support of the pillows and taking the picture.
I don't think all the hustle and bustle was worth it to Emmy, looking at her face. There is no doubt in my mind that will change over the years. Her aunt will see to that. Grin.
She looked so cute though; just like a little princess! :-)
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