Great Thinking
Date of occurrence:
December 25, 2009.
Kc is one and a half months shy from turning 3 years old.
Lil' Kc has always amazed me by his inventiveness and smart thinking. When he could barely walk, he had already figured out that he could get to branches which were out of his reach by using a stick.
There have been many more examples of his brightness and once more he displayed today that there was nothing which would throw him for a loop and hold him back.
Santa Claus had brought several, battery operated dinosaurs. The boys loved playing with them, but each one was on the other side of the living room. Upon our suggestion to play together, lil' Kc did not really feel like walking all the way up to his little brother, definitely not while carrying that big dinosaur.
No problem; he sat the dinosaur on his little toy car and gave it a push. It stopped right in front of his sibling's feet, while our little smarty pants followed at his leisure.
I could not help but laugh. Not only because of the solution he came up with, but also because of those little, sparkling eyes and the big smile on his face when it worked out so well.
I have a hunch we can expect great things from this little man!
December 25, 2009.
Kc is one and a half months shy from turning 3 years old.

There have been many more examples of his brightness and once more he displayed today that there was nothing which would throw him for a loop and hold him back.
Santa Claus had brought several, battery operated dinosaurs. The boys loved playing with them, but each one was on the other side of the living room. Upon our suggestion to play together, lil' Kc did not really feel like walking all the way up to his little brother, definitely not while carrying that big dinosaur.
No problem; he sat the dinosaur on his little toy car and gave it a push. It stopped right in front of his sibling's feet, while our little smarty pants followed at his leisure.
I could not help but laugh. Not only because of the solution he came up with, but also because of those little, sparkling eyes and the big smile on his face when it worked out so well.
I have a hunch we can expect great things from this little man!
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