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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Striking Resemblance

Date of occurrence:
October 24, 2012.

All of the four upper teeth broke through and altogether Levi is now the proud owner of six pearly whites. With those little teeth also comes the responsibility of keeping them clean and his mom is getting him used to brushing.

He sure has no problem with that and already opens wide as soon as he sees the toothbrush. We sure would have loved a picture of these new additions, but one thing he won't allow is lifting his upper lip to show them off.

He turns away as soon as his mom tries to expose and take a picture of them. That's okay. Hopefully, we will get many other opportunities to admire them.

He still can't sit up by himself. I personally think he can, but just doesn't want to take the time.

His little feet and toys are still way much more interesting to explore than wasting the time on sitting up straight.

He is already standing up though and uses the coffee table to keep his balance.

Someone else who kept the balance for him was his daddy, when they went on a bike-ride.

It was a first for Levi and our little guy loved every minute of it. In case you are wondering who is who; the little guy in the front is Levi and the big guy behind him is his dad.

Talking about a striking resemblance!


Blogger audrey` said...

Oh yes! They do look very much alike, Lieve Zus :)

21/2/13 7:08 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I know! It is almost unreal. :-)

God's Grace.

21/2/13 7:22 AM  

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