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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Face To Face

Date of occurrence:
November 7, 2012.

A few days ago aunt A. got a new phone and discovered she had 'face time' on it. We all were eager to try it out, since we hadn't seen the kids for a while. Somehow, their dad's computer got messed up and no longer allowed for any visual contact.

She tried and it worked! It was so good seeing them 'face to face' again. Leo grabbed the opportunity to show us all his toys. He had a haircut too and it was real short. Kc could not wait to let us know he was learning how to read and could already count till 39.

I asked him what he book he was reading and he said it was a 'Dr. Seuss' book. Of course we had to hear and see him read. He got the book, showed it to us, and demonstrated his reading skills. He did a great job at it and we all were very impressed.

Miss Emmaly wanted to talk to Opa, but after that she couldn't sit still long enough and went off to do her own thing. They all looked good, but we could tell Kc had missed us; he was watching us intently and couldn't get enough of looking at us.

That was not surprising. It was the same on our end. :-)


Blogger audrey` said...

Awww... This is so touching, Lieve Zus :)

8/3/13 6:06 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

It's been almost 8 months now since we have seen them. They were supposed to be here in February, but their dad decided otherwise. We miss them terribly, but as soon as we can we will pay them a visit! :-D

God's Grace.

9/3/13 5:40 AM  

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