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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Sound Of Silence

Date of occurrence:
November 6, 2012.

When I called Levi's mom today, she put him on the phone and if you think we had a lively conversation with our little guy, you are going to be sorely disappointed. We weren't; we were more then grateful to be given the opportunity to hear him.

The little critter clearly had an off-day. He had woken up at 2:30 am, didn't go back to sleep anymore, but talked up a storm all night long instead. One would suspect he would be catching up on his sleep during the day, but he only got about 45 minutes in.

That left him in a rather cranky mood and mom decided to put him back to bed in the hope he might fall asleep. That was idle hope. The moment he 'hit the crib', he started talking again. Since he was still awake, she put him on the phone so we could hear him too.

He quit talking as soon as she held the phone in front of him. He was not in a talking, but a rocking mood. Sitting on his hands and knees, he rocked back and forth without making a sound. As soon as she left him by himself again, we could hear him making all kinds of noises.

It makes you wonder what is up with that. Maybe he doesn't like the sound of silence. He sure was good in giving it though! Grin.


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