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Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Baby With A Temper

Date of occurrence:
February 19, 2013.

Little Bell is growing well and filling out nicely. She is a little over five weeks old, already 20 and a half inches tall and at present weighs 9 pounds and 8 ounces.

The latter is no surprise, seeing how she is a little glutton. She seems to be constantly hungry and puts away the contents of her bottle without any problems, just to come a couple of hours later demanding for more.

Don't think you can deceive her by giving her the pacifier. Within a split second she knows it is not providing her with the food she wants and it makes her angry. Let me correct that: it makes her mad. And by mad I mean to the point of outrage.

The only other time she fusses is when she gets tired, but give her a pacifier and you wouldn't even suspect she is close to going to sleep, because she will throw a fit. I will tell you; that little girl has got some temper on her and is not afraid to show it either.

Once you know the drill, there is nothing to it and you can thoroughly enjoy her sweet and friendly disposition she has the vast majority of the time. So, she is cranky when she is tired and/or hungry. Let's be honest; who wouldn't be?!


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