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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Out With The Old

We are so looking forward to this coming Sunday. Our grandchildren will arrive and stay over until the first of August. That means we need to have a list ready of things to do and places to go. That shouldn't present much of a problem. We have to take in account though whether the activity involves a lot of walking or not.

That consideration is not so much for them as it is for us. Those kids can and will go on long after everyone else has reached the point where they are holding on by the skin of their teeth. Yours truly is one of them and that reminds me to dig up my walking shoes.

I should already have replaced those a while back, but never got around to it. I didn't really want to either, because they are comfortable and allow me to walk for a long time without any pain. I am not sure why I made such a big deal of buying new ones, because there are plenty of comfort shoes for women around.

It doesn't even require me to shop till I drop, since all those trendy, comfortable shoes are also readily available online. I can't avoid it much longer and need to throw my old ones by the wayside so to speak. I bet I would be walking on air and regret not having done that sooner.

Yes, it is time; out with the old, in with the new!


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