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Monday, June 24, 2013

Bug Off And Bug Out

Date of occurrence:
February 21, 2013.

It is not always easy being a toddler. Their immune system isn't strong enough yet to fight off all those different kind of bugs which cause colds and (stomach) flu. In order to do that, the little one has to suffer through these conditions and build up resistance.

Little Levi is no exception to the rule, although he sure has been through it. He rang in the New Year with a bad cold which lasted for about two weeks and has been up and down ever since. Just as he had fully recovered from one virus, another one took its place.

And he hasn't gotten rid of it yet. Our little guy has come down with stomach flu and can hardly keep anything in.

It does not come as a surprise that it wears him out and makes him feel out of sorts. With that being the case, there is no better place then to cuddle in the safety and soothing comfort of his mother's arms.

We hope this is the last of what he has to go through, although that may be wishful thinking. Those 'bugs' can not always be avoided. Maybe the next time they will pass up our little guy and leave him alone.

For now, we pray they will bug off and bug out soon!


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