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Monday, July 1, 2013

Back With A Vengeance

Date of occurrence:
February 26, 2013.

Yippy: the bugs have left the premises and our little Levi is feeling good again and back to his old, happy self.

Having been out of commission due to sickness, a lot of time has been lost which otherwise would have been dedicated to playing.

Our little guy has a lot of catching up to do and is not wasting even a split second of that precious time.

I can only imagine how good it must feel to him to rediscover all of his toys and to enjoy playtime to its fullest. I am not so sure about the toys though; they may have been in desperate need of that little break they got.

Well, those toys better be prepared. Levi is feeling good again and up and running, so to speak. In other words: he is ready to play. More then ready I would say and it would be wise for the toys to brace themselves.

Levi is back.... with a vengeance! :-)


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