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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Contagious Smiles

Date of occurrence:
March 9, 2013.

We are finally getting smiles and lots of them too!

They are not just randomly handed out here and there. Nope, they specifically directed to the person who is communicating with her and are given with the full intent to assure us she is happy with both the company and the interaction.

It is so endearing seeing those smiles. Her entire face lights up and a gleam appears in her eyes.

It is quite contagious too. Even if you were in the worst of moods you couldn't help but crack a smile, whether you wanted to or not.

All that excitement is wearing the little critter out pretty quick though and she starts protesting about anything and everything.

There is nothing, except for a bottle, that will console her. She normally has a really good disposition, but when fatigue sets in it all goes out of the window. Well, not all of it. She tries to smile even during those short-lived spats.

Once she has gone off to dreamland, there is hardly anything that will disturb her peaceful, rejuvenating sleep and we can anticipate more of those sweet smiles.

We sure are looking forward to them. They brighten up and make our day!


Blogger audrey` said...

Awww... So sweet! Smile, Lieve Zus :)

2/8/13 4:16 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

If I smile any bigger my face will split. Grin.

God's Grace.

2/8/13 7:08 AM  

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