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Friday, July 12, 2013

The Projectile

Date of occurrence:
March 3, 2013.
Bell is almost two months old.

Bell is growing pretty well and has finally stopped grunting.

Ever since she was born she would do nothing but grunt deep and loud, even in her sleep. It always made us wonder if she was okay. She was. It was just one of those odd habits.

I have been trying to entice her into making some other sounds and she is responding well. It always makes us smile to hear some 'Uhs' and 'Ahs' coming out of that little mouth, but the greatest reward however is when we get her to smile.

She was fed and content when I was holding her this morning and I had to go for a smile. I would tell her Oma was going to eat her up, bend over, make smacking noises, and gently nibble her cheek. I was not the only one trying to get a smile; Bell was going for the laugh.

I was just in the process of doing it again, when she made a weird face and just as I bend down and almost reached her cheek, she spit up. Normally, it is just a little bit that comes dribbling out of her mouth, but not this time.

It seemed like she was aiming for it and projected a stream of formula into the air. The little rascal missed my face by a hair and Opa, who witnessed the entire scene, busted out laughing. Too bad we didn't catch that on camera.

It was one of those America's Funniest Video moments! Grin.


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