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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking Like Royalty

With our grandchildren staying over this month, we have our hands full. We love every minute of it though, but it is not always easy to keep them busy. The difference between our grandsons and granddaughter is becoming more and more clear every day and not only where play is concerned, but their field of interests as well.

Our three and a half year old granddaughter loves everything girl-related. She enjoys playing with her dolls, doll house, loves to wear make-up and nail polish, and is elated when someone does her hair.

The latter is not an easy task since she has a head full of bright red, extremely curly, unruly hair. It is not a problem yet, but I can see how it will be in the future.

She may be able to manage it in every day life. When it comes to special events like proms and weddings however, it could present a problem. She would benefit by great hairdo tips which would go well with a beautiful Terry Costa prom dress.

She is totally fascinated by princesses and dresses up like one every chance she gets. The fancier the dress, the more she loves it and she would and will have a hard time picking out a prom or wedding dress. With so many to choose from at Terry Costa she will be ensured to have a ball and be the center of attention.

Our grandsons on the other hand don't care about any of the above. Clothes are clothes and if it was up to them, they would be walking around in non-matching, weird-looking outfits. That could change as they grow older, although I sincerely doubt it.

They will be grateful for all the hints and tips online pertaining to what to wear and when. Their dates wearing one of those gorgeous dresses from www.terrycosta.com will most certainly not be embarrassed being seen with them.

On the contrary; they would not only look like royalty, but be treated like it as well!


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