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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Student Of The Month

Date of occurrence:
March 1, 2013.

Our grandchildren have left Kansas and moved back to Alabama. They are now living in a place close to Birmingham which is only about 4 to 5 hours away from us.

After the hustle and bustle of moving, they have settled in and Kc has been attending his new school for a couple of weeks now. From what he told us, he likes both the school and his teacher and we are thankful to hear that.

We always prod and encourage him to do his best at school and that didn't fall on deaf ears. He was extremely excited today when we called and could hardly wait to share the good news with us: he was chosen as 'student of the month'!

That didn't occur because he happened to be the new kid. It was entirely based on his performance at school. He gave us a little demonstration of his hard work by naming all the days of the week in the right order and almost all the months.

We were very impressed with his accomplishment and so proud of him. We are not exactly sure what other rewards come with this achievement, but that doesn't really matter. What matters most is that our little man is happy and that he is.

And when he is happy, we are happy!


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