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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Covering Expenses

I have been trying to impress on our grandchildren the importance of saving their money. It always comes in handy having a nest-egg at hand, whether that is large or small. The circumstances can arise however where the savings don't cover the expenses.

You may be faced with medical bills, replacement of appliances, or other unforeseen situations. You suddenly come to the realization that you are slap out of cash and before you know it your credit score has hit the lower ranks.

At that point, getting a loan has become a huge ordeal. Most lenders rely and base their approval on your credit report. You at least have the consolation that you are driving a well-maintained, insured vehicle which is almost paid for.

That right there is your money-maker. You can easily obtain a car title loan without having the fear of being turned down. When you step into the Loan Office no one will go over your credit report with a fine-tooth comb. It all depends on the condition and value of your car.

What you may not be aware of yet is that a title loan is also a great opportunity to repair your credit score. With a car title loan you would be killing two birds with one stone; increasing your credit score and paying your bills.

Given the circumstances, I don't think it can get any better then that!


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