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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Looking Forward To A Visit

Date of occurrence:
March 13, 2013.

Today, out of the blue, our grandkids' daddy called and told us they had taken up the plan to come over for a visit this upcoming Sunday. They were going to be here for just one day and he asked if we wanted to have the kids over.

Well, that was a rather silly question. What do you think? We haven't seen them up close and personal since July of last year and of course we want the grandkids to be here!

Their plan is to leave real early and be here around 9am. They will drop off the children and pick them up again around 5 in the afternoon. That sounds great and we are looking forward to the visit.

We don't have the illusion that they will be spending the entire day with us. As soon as their mom learned about them coming over, she started scheduling. Visits to the kids' other grandparents and friends are on the list.

She wasn't the only one. We had our own schedule; getting their toys out, putting them in their designated spot, and figuring out what to serve our little critters for dinner. That was no big ordeal and done in a flash.

We are ready to receive, entertain, and enjoy, if they make it through the first minutes of their arrival that is. We are more then ready to smother them with hugs and kisses! Grin.


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