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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Approval

Date of occurrence:
April 25, 2013.

It may be nice having grass in the backyard. It prevents the kids from hurting themselves when they fall down, but it also refrains from doing all kinds of other activities such as riding their toy cars, bikes, and roller-skating to name a few.

That kind of play is the fun stuff Levi is about and ready to get into and his parents decided to convert their yard from grass into a more solid foundation.

It suits both Levi and his parents; Levi can play to his heart's content and his mom and dad can dedicate their precious time to more important matters other than mowing the lawn.

They didn't entirely shy away from the softness of the grass. They reserved a small area for it, where Levi can still take advantage of all the benefits it has to offer.

After the remodeling was practically complete, it was Levi's turn to check it out. With his best friend Tyson by his side, they sampled the stones on the ground and investigated the new lay-out.

Tyson took that last a little too literal, but Levi thought it was funny and plopped down right beside him.

I guess we can take that as a sign of approval!


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