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Monday, September 2, 2013

A Quiet Easter

Date of occurrence:
March 31, 2013.

Even though we rejoice in the rising of our Lord, our Easter Sunday is rather uneventful. There is no pitter-patter of little feet, no exciting voices filling the air, and no hidden Easter eggs waiting to be discovered at our house this year. Oh well, there is always the hope for next year.

At least our grandchildren seemed to enjoy all the surprises which came with this Holiday. We got to talk to and see three of them while they were on their way to their other grandma's house. Both Kc and Leo had gotten a haircut and they looked good, but that was not all.

The Easter Bunny had also brought them some presents and Leo was smitten with his Lego, Kc was thrilled with his guitar, and Emmaly cherished her new doll. They also liked the cards we sent each of them for Easter and the included stickers as well.

Levi enjoyed all the yummy goodies that are so typical for Easter. Looking at his plate, he sure took advantage of it and ate as much as he could stow in that little tummy.

Little Isabella had no notion of Easter yet. The day passed her by like any other day would; filled with naps and meals. I doubt that will be the case next year, or maybe not. She may need a lot of naps after all those sugary treats.

It sure would be nice having all the grandkids together to celebrate Easter and spoil them. Like I mentioned before; there is always the hope for next year! :-)


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