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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Making Mathematics Easy

When their father brought our grandchildren over this year to spend their summer vacation with us, he mentioned our oldest grandson had to practice his math. It seemed like he had a little difficulty with that and since practice makes perfect, we were instructed to work at it as much as possible.

Those tasks are usually bestowed on me and although we did do some math exercises, I don't think it was nearly enough to make much of a difference. It would have been easier if we had a math textbook to our disposal, but to be totally honest with you, I didn't really feel like dedicating what little time we had with our grandkids to studying.

I do have some regrets about that. We could have made it fun and I could have instilled a desire and piqued our grandson's interest in this scientific material which would have benefited him later in life. It is a lesson learned where I am concerned and I won't let it slide by the next time.

Looking back on my own college experience, an easy math book would have made all the difference in the world. I would have done so much better at mathematics if it had been presented to me to where I could have grasped the concept. I never was good at this science and I had a really hard time understanding it. I still do at present.

Taking my lack of comprehension in consideration, it may not have been such a bad idea to forego our grandson's homework for the summer. It is better not to educate him at all then to teach him the wrong thing. Once it is learned a certain way, it is hard to change that.

I better leave the teaching to the experts and a science textbook which is an easy math book for college students. The latter are readily available and I suggest looking into it. Literally and figuratively speaking!


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