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Monday, August 26, 2013

Boo And Peek-A-Boo

Date of occurrence:
March 26, 2013.

Sickness has been ruling our daughter's family for several weeks now. They all came down with a stomach virus and little Levi suffered from it for almost two weeks. The poor, little critter, but thankfully he is on the mend now.

He is walking, but not on his own yet. He is still a little too afraid and insecure to walk the face of the earth by himself. Instead, he holds on to his little chair and uses it to race around the living room. You can imagine how that already left a lot of scratches on the floor.

The little rascal is also constantly trying his boundaries. He will reach for things he is not supposed to touch and when his parents tell him 'no', he looks at them while in the meantime tempting fate by reaching for it anyway.

When they say no again, he gives them a huge grin and suddenly grabs the forbidden object of his desire. When they tell him he can't have it, he gets mad, clenches his little fists and lets out a scream. They simply pick him up and put him somewhere else where he continues to play as if nothing happened.

He apparently likes brushing his own teeth, but to get the job done well, mom has to redo it. He gets real angry when she takes away the tooth brush to use it and puts up a huge fight. He tries to move his head every which way but the right one.

She practically has to keep him in a death-grip so to speak. This results in a lot of screaming and crying on Levi's part. That suits mom fine since by doing so, he opens his mouth wide and she can get the job done faster and easier.

Those boos are quickly forgotten and it is back to the fun stuff. Well, they may not be entirely forgotten. There is a 'boo' in peek-a-boo too! Grin.


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