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Monday, September 30, 2013

Funny Faces

Date of occurrence:
April 13, 2013.
Levi is 1 year and almost 2 months old.

Looking at this picture of our little guy, you may think there is something bad wrong. Let me assure you it is absolutely not the case. On the contrary; Levi found out he can make funny faces and by doing so is guaranteed to entice some good laughs from his audience.

He sure does and I am speaking from experience. As soon as we saw this picture we busted out laughing. He is so cute and I constantly admire his mom who is always alert, ready, and prepared to take a picture at just the right moment.

That is not an easy task to accomplish and I know that from experience as well. It all happens so fast and by the time I have our camera ready, the moment is gone. That doesn't seem to happen to our daughter. She must have a natural flair as to when to snap a picture.

The photo leaves no doubt Levi has got making silly, funny faces down pat and when it comes down to provoking smiles from others, you sure don't want to have this little guy as your competition.

Don't face off with our little Levi, because you are bound to loose! :-)


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