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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Beanie Baby

Date of occurrence:
April 17, 2013.
Bell is 3 months and 6 days old.

Bell loves to stand up and be able to overlook the room and I try to accommodate her as much as possible. It is not easy to get her in a standing position and hold her up though, since the little critter has put on some weight.

In order to let her stand I have to lift her up at first. While I was doing that, it occurred to me how easy going she is. She just hangs in my hands until her little feet feel something solid underneath them before her legs help me out.

Looking at the back of this uplifted baby, Opa stated that she not only hung there like a little bean bag, but also looked like one from behind. And the term of endearment was born. She now is referred to as our little beanie baby. :-)

She likes to play and it has gotten a lot easier on her now that she can grab the things she wants. She in particular loves the little book that makes a crinkly sound and holding it in front of her results in a huge smile and her little hand grabbing it without hesitation.

Another thing she loves is watching Baby Einstein. Her mom pulls it up for her on the computer and she lays there so focused, eagerly taking it all in.

She sure doesn't look like a beanie baby here, does she.

She looks more like a little angel!


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