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Monday, September 9, 2013

This Little Piggy Went To.....

Date of occurrence:
April 7, 2013.

A scary situation took place in our household this morning. A few minutes after Bell and her mom got up, the latter came running in saying she needed to take the little one to the hospital right away.

Somehow, a hair or thread had wound itself around one of Bell's toes over night. It was wrapped around it so tight that it cut off circulation and the little toe was extremely red and twice its normal size.

Trying to cut it off was a futile endeavor and only led to prolonging the pain our little granddaughter had to endure. I have to say she was in a rather good mood and didn't seem to have any idea what all the commotion was about.

No more time was wasted and off to the ER they went, where they managed to remove the obstruction from Bell's toe.

They wanted to ensure no permanent damage was done and kept her there for a while until the swelling would go down. Thank God it did. Besides a small cut where the hair had been, the little critter is fine.

Upon research it turns out it is not uncommon for this to happen and it occurs more often then one would expect. There is even a name for it; it is called 'toe tourniquet' and can result in the loss of a toe or finger.

We are sorry the little one had to go through this, but we are thankful it was discovered and taken care off in time and she got to keep all her little piggies.

Even though one little piggy went to the hospital instead of the market!


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