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Monday, September 23, 2013

Pour It In A Bottle

Date of occurrence:
April 9, 2013.
Isabella is almost 3 months old.

Our little grand-daughter Bell has got the smiling completely down pat now. As a matter of fact, she will give you such a huge smile you expect her to bust out laughing any moment.

I am guessing that some things come natural. She somehow developed the habit of 'winking' at you when she is smiling.

She grins and while she does it she will close both her eyes for just a moment. It is adorable and cute at the same time. Yes, she is quite the little flirt already.

The poor little thing has some problems with constipation. The formula apparently is slowing down the natural flow and her mom thought it might be a good idea to give her some fruit.

It may be a little too early, seeing how Bell is just three months old, but it may do her digestive system some good and help move things along. She sure seemed to like it, although she had to get used to eating with a spoon.

At first she didn't know what to think of it. After a few bites she decided she liked peach. It didn't go down as smooth as she wanted and most of it ended up on her bib. It sure didn't go quick enough and she protested when mom didn't fill that little mouth fast enough.

It seemed like she was trying to say: 'Pour it in a bottle, momma'!


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