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Monday, September 16, 2013

Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh, my!

Date of occurrence:
April 8, 2013.

It is quite obvious that our little guy has no qualm when it comes to meeting, greeting, and petting animals. I suppose growing up with a rabbit and a dog as his best friends has shown him that there is nothing to be afraid of and that they are fun to be around.

He already made his acquaintance with and fed the ducks. Since there are plenty more animals around in this world then just those three species, his parents thought it would be a good idea to broaden Levi's horizon and take him to the petting zoo.

They figured he might enjoy the experience and he sure did as you can see. No animal big or small was safe from those little hands. In case some animals were not very eager to be petted and tried to get away, they were chased by Levi so he could lay his hands on them.

We are glad our little guy is not afraid of animals, although that could present a problem in the future. We don't doubt he will soon learn that there are some animals which could and would hurt him and he best stay away from, like lions, and tigers, and bears!

Oh, my!


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