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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy Birthday, Levi!

Date of occurrence:
January 23, 2014.

Oh my, today our little guy is already turning two years old. Where did the time go? Either way, the day has arrived to celebrate this happy occasion to the fullest.

The celebrations started earlier then intended. Mom and Dad had gotten his present, but the little rascal found it beforehand.

Yeah, try keeping all those great toys and tons of fun away until his Birthday. You wouldn't stand a chance and neither did they.

Needless to say he got their gift before the big day.

A Birthday bash is always better when your friends are present to party with you and share in the joy and excitement.

The cake didn't stand a chance and Mom did a good job providing some finger foods. Our little guy and his guests had no problem digging in and making short notice of it.

As far as presents go; Levi had nothing to complain about. He sure got loaded up.

Judging his countenance, it was all right up his alley.

How can someone this sweet be spoiled so rotten?

Take one look at that cute little face and you will have no problems understanding why!


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