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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Seven Years Old

Date of occurrence:
February 8, 2014.

And we have another birthday to celebrate today. Our oldest grandson is turning 7.

Happy Birthday, Kc!

The same goes for him as for Leo; we wish we could be there, but that is not feasible. So, we make due with the next best thing available and that is another round of Face-time.

Our gifts arrived on time, but he hasn't had a chance to unwrap them yet. He is more interested in the cake that is taking shape as we speak.

It will be covered with chocolate icing and decorated with M&Ms. I have to admit it sounds delicious and I can't blame him for keeping a closer watch on the cake than the telephone.

We get to talk to him a little bit before the cake has reach the stage where decorating is all that is lacking. The honors have fallen to the Birthday boy of course and he can't wait to try his hand at it.

I have a hunch that is not all he will do. I suspect he will lay his hands on it as well and make sure it finds its way into his tummy, and rightfully so.

Who doesn't want his cake and eat it too?!


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