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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Coming Home

Date of occurrence:
March 3, 2014.

Things don't always work out the way we want them to, but we can't know the future. God does and He has ways of working them out. Yes, He works in mysterious ways, but it is always for the best.

We were very sad when our grandchildren went to live so far away from us and we knew our oldest grandson would miss his mom and us very much. The only thing we could do was pray and leave it in God's capable hands. And so we did.

Today, out of the blue, the kids' dad called and told us he was sending Kc back to live with his mom. The little man was having lots of problems and trouble at school and missed us all terribly. Dad thought it would be best if he would come back here.

It all will happen pretty quickly as well. Kc is supposed to be here this coming weekend. That is short notice and since they will be living with us we have a room to get ready and school to arrange. We better get busy.

Wow, who in their wildest dreams would have thought that? Not us, but we are so thankful.

Our little man is coming home!


Blogger audrey` said...

"Our little man is coming home!" Praise God! He has the best plans for His children, Lieve Zus :)

26/11/14 5:24 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

He does, lieve zus and He sure has ways of working things out! :-D

God's Grace.

26/11/14 7:06 AM  

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