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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Santa's Helper

It is approaching that time of year again when Santa Claus has to make decisions about what to put under the Christmas tree for the children. It is not too difficult since their wish lists are pretty extensive. It can get problematic though after they have unwrapped their presents.

Since Santa has so many customers he is an entrepreneur as well and has established workshops all over the globe. It is not unusual that many of the toys are being manufactured in China. That is fine when it pertains to a simple toy, but problems can arise when a manual comes in play.

Some manuals are not translated very well and make it rather tedious putting the object of desire together to where it will function according to the design. A good translation company in China would have no problem helping good ole' Saint Nick out there.

It sure could and would prevent some grievance and disappointment. There is nothing more frustrating then putting all that time, energy, and money into something that will not work due to a failure in accurate translations.

Maybe we ought to bring to Santa's attention that good help is not hard to find. He too can use a helping hand at times to ensure that his gifts will keep on giving!


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