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Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Shark-Boy

Date of occurrence:
February 28, 2014.

Most children love taking a bath and Levi is no exception. A bath means bubbles and bubbles mean fun. Well, it could be and usually is unless there is a shark lurking beneath all those suds.

And there was. It came to the surface totally unexpected and scared the heebie-jeebies out of Levi's Mom. Oh wait, that is not a shark; that's our little guy in disguise.

He pretends to be a shark and, going by the look in his eyes, he is on the prowl.

Uh oh, it seems like we have a pretty serious situation on our hands here. We sure don't want that shark to get us.

We want to get that shark-boy and eat him up! Grin.


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