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Thursday, December 18, 2014

All Work And No Play...

Date of occurrence:
March 22, 2014.

Our oldest grandson is back and enrolled in school. He has been granted an extra vacation since it is close to the end of the third school quarter and will attend in April when the new quarter begins.

He sure is happy to be back and has no problems keeping himself busy. He even got himself some work; helping his mom out at her job.

He sweeps, cleans up, shows customers around, and even puts some data in the computer.

Of course he doesn't have to do all that just because he likes and wants to do it. He gets a little compensation for all that hard labor. Mom slips him a few dollars so he can feed his piggy bank.

The best part of his job is that he can quit and pick back up whenever he feels like it, although he doesn't see it as work. In his eyes it is all play and he is having fun. That's good and we are glad for him.

The last thing we would want is for him to end up as a dull boy!


Blogger audrey` said...

Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones, Lieve Zus :)

25/12/14 4:32 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones, Lieve Zus :)

1/1/15 3:58 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

And a very Happy, healthy, love-filled New Year to you and yours, lieve zus!!!! :-)

God's Grace.

3/1/15 3:13 PM  

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