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Friday, January 16, 2015

Art Warms The Heart

This post brought to you by Fine Art Gallery. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Grand Life.

Our grandchildren have spent the Holidays with us and their stay always results in a galore of keepsakes. We were presented with so many paintings, drawings, and other colorful memorabilia, we could easily start our own Art Gallery. Not that I would expect to accumulate many customers since this art is not made by famous and well-known artists such as Salvador Dali, Pino, Leroy Neiman, and Andy Warhol to name a few.

Even though our grandchildren's artistic endeavors are precious and heartwarming, they are only near and dear to us. They sure couldn't compete with the works of all the renowned artists from past and present which you can find in a Fine Art Gallery like Paragon Fine Art. This art gallery, which is located in the San Francisco Bay area, offers quality Contemporary, Traditional and Commercial art to anyone for dealer prices.

It would be a good idea to visit this art gallery sometime when the kids are staying over. They already have developed an appreciation for Disney Fine Art which can be admired, bought, and sold there as well. One of our grandsons displays artistic traits and it could encourage him to perfect his skills. Who knows, the excellent customer service of Paragon Fine Art might offer his Fine Art For Sale in the future!

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