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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Little Motor Mouse

Date of occurrence:
March 30, 2014.

Our little guy got his first bike. No, it is not just a regular bike, but one that looks like a motor bicycle just like his Daddy rides.

Levi still has to do his part by pushing the pedals of course, but that does not diminish the fun by any means. On the contrary; how exciting is it to 'endanger' the neighborhood and tear up the yard racing around on such a cool means of transportation?

There is no doubt in my mind he will get the hang of it in no time and he will be able to conquer any obstacle in his way.

All he needs now is a helmet and a pair of motor cycle glasses and our little guy is ready to go. Be warned though; if you see something approaching fast it would be wise to get out of the way.

It's our little motor mouse!


Blogger audrey` said...

Hello Lieve Zus! It's so nice to meet you on your blog again :) Take care. Love and (((HUGS))) God bless!

10/1/15 5:49 PM  

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