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Friday, September 11, 2015

Ahoy, Matey

Date of occurrence:
June 15, 2015.

Kc has been looking forward to this week for a long time now and is really excited. It is Scout Day Camp week and the first time he will be attending.

We have to be there at 8 am and we leave early to beat the rush hour traffic. We are way too early, but make the wait pleasant and before we know it the time has arrived for him to go.

And in he goes, loaded up with a lunch bag and craft supplies.

Around 4pm we are back to pick him up and out he comes, loaded up with all the items he fabricated and a bag full of fun experiences and fond memories.

He said it was even better than what he had expected. That's great and he has another four exciting days to look forward to.

As far as the theme of the day camp goes, I suppose you can guess by looking at his 'new' outfit.

Argh! Ye never gonna find me treasure, matey!


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