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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Making The Grade

Date of occurrence:
June 4, 2015.

Kc did well in the second grade, although he had some problems with math this year. He did his best though and  now we are eagerly awaiting the mail to see his report card.

It finally arrived in the mail today and yes,  he passed with flying colors. He made it to the 3rd grade and we are so proud of him.

In the mean time we got to talk to Leo. We had called earlier, but no one answered the phone. It turns out they were at baseball practice and Leo returned our call while they were on their way home.

He said he did well at school and will go to 2nd grade next school year. After asking how he did at t-ball, he kindly pointed out to me: "Oma, it is not called t-ball anymore. It is called baseball."

We didn't get to talk to Emmaly, because she was at home. She was doing well though, according to Leo. She will start 1st grade this coming school year and Levi will already be attending Kindergarten at the beginning of 2016.

We are very thankful and proud: they all made the grade!


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