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Saturday, September 12, 2015

End Of Day Camp

Date of occurrence:
June 19, 2015.

It is the last day of Cub Scout Day Camp and the boys are required to wear swim trunks and bring a towel. They will be doing games which include lots of water. That is great, because the temperatures have been soaring in the nineties for the past week.

At 2 o'clock the closing ceremony will begin and I am present to attend. Kc gets his achievement sheet and badge and off to home we go. He is tired, but had a wonderful time and is already looking forward to next week Thursday when he will be going to Resident Camp.

Yes, the little man is covered up, but I think that is better than being bored.

We are happy and thankful he could attend day camp, but we are also glad it is over. It takes half an hour to get there and another half hour to go back home. Do that twice a day, add on the extra time spent waiting until the scouts are allowed to leave, and you understand our relief.

These day camp days have come to an end. However, the end of one thing usually is the start of another.

On to the next camping trip!


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