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Monday, August 5, 2013

A Man Of His Word

Date of occurrence:
March 16, 2013.

We are looking forward to the grandchildren. They will be here tomorrow morning around 9 in the morning and I got the house ready, looking the way they left it. The toys are in their designated place, Kc's computer is sitting on his desk, and Emmaly's kitchen is ready to go.

Even the guest bedroom is equipped with their usual stuff again, since they love watching TV in there. The boys each have a small box in which they keep their keys, fake credit cards, and other small items which are near and dear to them, and those are waiting for them on the nightstands.

Yes, we are ready for them, but we have to wait another day and the daily chores and responsibilities are soon demanding our undivided attention. We have to run some errands and on our way out we empty our mailbox.

I am going through the mail and, as usual, most of it is either junk mail or bills. Then I come across a letter addressed to 'Opa and Oma'. It is a letter from our oldest grandson Kc and of course we have to open it right away.

The paper in the envelope reveals a drawing on one side and on the other side he wrote the following:
"I am happy. I am going to be the weatherman. I will see you on Christmas this year. I like your computer. Love, Casey."

It turned out that his teacher had assisted him with writing the letter and his step mom had addressed the envelope for him. We are elated. He promised to send us a letter and he did.

He sure is a man of his word!


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