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Friday, August 2, 2013

Planning Ahead

Our oldest grandson has been student of the month. That was quite an achievement for our six-year old little guy and he was very proud of it. It is needless to say that we were too.

It seems like he has his future planned out already. As his main job he wants to be a weatherman and in his spare time he wants to practice being a foot doctor. We told him those were both excellent choices, but they required a lot of study.

He said he was aware of that, but I don't think he is aware of the fact that those studies are rather expensive as well, unless he would choose to study in New Zealand. The costs of education are much lower there and New Zealand has an excellent international reputation for providing quality education.

I can foresee one problem though; he may not come back. The diversity in landscape, the gorgeous scenery, and the many attractions and activities would be more then enough to take up permanent residency here.

Since he loves the beach, he might choose to live near the coastline. I sincerely doubt he would run into any obstacles obtaining a home loan, or in finding an abode he likes for that matter. There are plenty of houses on the market and he could have his pick.

After having finished his education, he would have a job in a jiffy. It may not right away be in his field of expertise, but he could always turn to some of the recruitment Agencies and make a good living until he would get hired by a TV station and/or set up his own practice.

It wouldn't come as a shock if he decided to go an entirely different route. New Zealand's awesome, natural environment is an ideal background for all kinds of movies and Video Production Auckland is soaring.

It could well occur that in the future we would be watching some documentaries or movies produced by our grandson. Even though it may seem like this would be a completely different turn of events, it actually isn't.

A meteorologist and a producer spend a lot of time in nature and since our little guy is an outdoor man, both would suit him to a tee!


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