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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meeting The Baby

Date of occurrence:
March 17, 2013.

While the grandchildren were here, they were given the chance to meet their little sister for the first time. They all wanted to hold her and we let them, under close supervision of course.

Leo was absolutely smitten with her and would have sat there with Bell in his arms for as long as we would let him. Kc thought she was cute and could hardly believe he had been that small once.

He was not really very comfortable holding her, but he insisted. I think he understood she is a real person and was a little afraid to hurt her.

Emmaly on the other hand didn't have a clue. The baby-doll she hauls around with her, gets tossed on the couch or in a chair, or swung through the air by the stuffed legs, looks way too much like Bell.

Caution was strongly advised and, as expected, after a few seconds the Emmaly alert went in effect and Bell had to be removed from the danger area.

We managed to situate all of them on the couch and sit still long enough to take a couple of pictures. It worked out well as you can see.

And Bell? She enjoyed the attention when she was awake. Most of the time however she impersonated Sleeping Beauty!


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