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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Visit

Date of occurrence:
March 17, 2013.

The children got here around 9:30 in the morning and when they jumped out of the car, I thought the aliens had landed. The boys' hair was bright green and Emmaly had green ribbons in her hair. Yeah, I totally forgot it was St. Patrick's Day.

They made themselves right at home and, especially Emmaly and Leo had a great time playing outside with the fort. Leo loved the seesaw and Emmaly tried both the swings and the seesaw.

She had great fun and told us to push her higher, but as soon as we did, she demanded to stop and get off because she got afraid. It 'cared' her, as she put it.

She sure is a card and is never shy of an answer. During lunch, Opa was teasing them by asking who was sitting in his chair. The boys both denied they were, but Emmaly thought she was and without hesitation told him: 'I am going to make you dinner when I am finished here.'

Kc was more into the technology and loved playing with his mom's computer and Opa's and aunt A's phone. He also read something to us out of a book and it was astonishing to listen to him and realize how quickly he was growing up.

He also checked out the house to see if and what had changed and noticed we moved the exercise bike and got rid of a recliner.

We told him that was aunt A's and it went to her house, after which he had to ensure that the flowers were ours and wouldn't be going the same route.

At one point, Leo came in living room saying he needed ass-on-fire. I was shocked at first and told him we didn't use that word, but would say booty-on-fire instead.

He insisted that momma said ass-on-fire and again I corrected him and told him momma shouldn't say that either. Then his mom called out from her room, asking Leo if he had found Bell's pacifier yet.

What an Epiphany! It cracked us up and Aunt A. almost rolled of the couch laughing.

The day went by way too fast. There was too much to do and too little time, but we know they will be back soon!


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