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Monday, August 19, 2013

The Fan Fan

Date of occurrence:
March 25, 2013.

In case you ever wondered what a day in a baby life looks like then you need to approach it from the little one's perspective. Our youngest granddaughter Bell would probably tell you the following:

'I slept like a baby and finally managed to produce enough noise to wake up my mom, got across to her that I was hungry and indulged myself in a yummy breakfast.

Okay, tummy is full and now it's time to meet the world. Since I can't walk yet, I got it made. I am carried around to my heart's content and the first trip is to the office and greet the ole' folks.

They always make funny faces at me, so I can't help but smile. Maybe some day I will tell them they don't have to do that; they look funny enough as it is. Grin.

After having entertained them for a while, I go in my swing. I love that thing. It is strategically placed so I can easily supervise who passes by and all that is going on. Opa and Oma always stop when they pass and make small talk.

I try to as well and throw my entire little body into it. I still am not able to produce and replicate all the noises they make, but at least I have some conversation with Oma. She seems to understand me. That makes me wonder if she ever left the baby-stage.

I quickly learned how to draw attention. All I got to do is pretend I am crying. I am not really. I either am bored or sleepy and I can't help but smile when they check on me. I better stop that before it comes back to bite me.

My friend is always waiting for me in the living room. I don't know why he is up so high and always goes around in circles. Oma told me his name is 'fan' and no matter how big I smile at him and even try to talk to him, he never says anything back.

I guess you could say our friendship is up in the air. It doesn't matter; as long as he keeps 'waving' at me, I am his fan!

That's is for now. I am tired. I am going to take a nap and when I wake up, we do it all over again! :-D


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