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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Vacation Occurrences

After about six weeks of having spent most of their summer vacation with us, our grandchildren have returned home again. It sure is quiet without those little rascals, although I have to admit I enjoyed the peace and silence the first couple of days.

When three of those youngsters constantly demand your attention from the moment they get up until they go to bed, it tends to make your head spin at times. I had to tell them on several occasions that I could only do one thing at the time, had just two hands and those were busy, and couldn't split myself in half.

Leo thought the last was rather funny, but had to acknowledge the fact that I couldn't walk on one leg. I know he has a vivid imagination and must have pictured it in his head. I also know he is quickly to forget and that is probably why it came as a surprise when he asked where our dog Mia was.

His older brother didn't hesitate to tell him that Mia was dead, to which the response was a simple 'Oh'. Even though Leo was always pestering our dog, he sure had a great affection for her.

Both boys did and Kc, our oldest grandson, made clear he missed her too by saying that he wished we had a puppy. Maybe the next time they are here we will look at Puppies for Sale and bring one home.

During their stay, Kc lost both his upper front teeth. I don't think he will walk around with that gap very long, because his new teeth were already showing.

I hope he brushes well and will not have to see the dentist very often. I am grateful he can, if need be, no matter where he lives. Whether he would require a dentist tauranga nz or one in our vicinity, there is always one around to fill the need.

We don't know when we will see them again. We hope it won't take too long. Maybe we will go up there and stay in an apartment for a little while or rent one of the Holiday Houses in their neighborhood.

I am sure the kids would love that. They could show us around and entertain us at the same time. Wouldn't that be nice for a change?! Grin.


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