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Monday, October 28, 2013

A Princess And Her Throne

Date of occurrence:
May 8, 2013.

Bell and her mom had been gone for several days in a row. They left early in the morning and came back late in the evening when either us or Bell already were asleep, so we didn't get to see our little beanie baby very much.

Today however, they came back rather early. Bell is still awake and is sitting with her mom with her back turned towards me. She hasn't seen me yet, but as soon as she hears me she starts looking around.

I get up to greet the little critter and as soon as I come in her view, she grins so big and lets out a loud and enthusiastic 'Huhhh'.

That was so unexpected but endearing and we all busted out laughing. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and that sure was true where both parties were concerned.

The little one is not very demanding and easily entertained. She loves all the moving, colorful images on the TV and will watch them intensely.

Since she can't sit up by herself yet, mom was so inventive to make Bell her own little seat.

Propped up by some pillows and safely surrounded and supported by the basket, she can watch to her heart's content. Well, that usually doesn't last very long.

There is always an Oma around to distract and extract this little princess from her throne! :-)


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