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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Birthday Bash

Date of occurrence:
April 27, 2013.

Today is our daughter's Birthday and of course Levi can't let his mom's special day pass by without giving her a present.

It is also one of those rare opportunities where getting paint all over your hands comes with permission.

You sure can't forego that and especially not when it results in such colorful, endearing work of art.

We didn't let it slide by either and gave her a call. In return she gave us the scoop on Levi's climbing expeditions. Yes, he found out he can climb on the sub-woofers and from there onto the entertainment center. Once he reaches that destination he tries to scoot behind the TV.

That of course is something that comes without permission, but the little rascal doesn't take no for an answer. As soon as he hears the word 'no', he grins at them and resumes his efforts. When they get up with the intent to pluck him off there, he starts ascending even faster.

It is odd how he has so much confidence climbing all those obstacles, but is still so insecure when it comes to walking on his own. He will take a few steps alone and then throws himself into their arms. I suppose he sees more danger in walking than climbing.

Hopefully, it will not literally turn into a birthday bash!


Blogger audrey` said...

It is a very lovely card, Lieve Zus :)

14/10/13 8:09 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yeahhhh, it is so cute!


God's Grace.

16/10/13 6:57 AM  

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