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Monday, October 21, 2013

Practice And Maintenance

Date of occurrence:
May 5, 2013.

Practice makes perfect and it appears like our little guy is already fully aware of that.

In order to eventually end up with a driver's license, you have to know how to keep your car under control, maneuver around all kinds of obstacles and avoid collisions.

He sure seems to have fun learning the tricks of the trade. We are glad for that, because it will be soon enough before he will come to the understanding that driving a car is no child's play.

Once he will be the proud owner of a vehicle, he is likely to come to the conclusion that maintaining it is rather costly as well.

He can save some dough by doing a lot of it himself and what better way is there than to learn the ropes from his daddy.

Seeing how it is done is the first step and our little critter apparently has a great interest in his father's expertise of what to do and how to do it.

Levi may just have a feel for it and end up being a great mechanic. You just never know, although the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

I suppose the first lesson is how to hold a monkey wrench and what all can and should be done with it.

The main thing he needs to learn is not to throw it into the works! Grin.


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