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Monday, November 4, 2013

A Happy Mother's Day Weekend

Date of occurrence:
May 12, 2013.

It sure turned out to be a happy Mother's Day.

Levi surprised his mom with a flower, accompanied by a little poem which read:
'A little flower for me, a little flower for you,
It tells in my heart, how much I love you'.

Awww, how sweet and that was just the start. The rest of the day he spent mostly cuddling with, loving on, and spoiling his mom.

My Mother's Day can't go wrong anymore either, since our other grandchildren are here. Their mom picked them up last Friday after which they spent the night with their other grandma.

They got at our house yesterday in the early afternoon and will stay here until mom takes them back later today.

The weekend went by way too quick. There was so much to tell, see, and do, like helping me unwrap the presents they got me for my (grand)mother's day.

They were more eager to open the gifts than I was and that says a lot. Grin. There was little time to 'amax' as Leo called it while he was taking a bath yesterday.

He lay down in the bubbles and told me: "Look, Oma. I am amaxing. See? I am amaxing." I quickly figured out he meant he was relaxing.

Emmaly sure made our day when she got up early this morning. I had fixed her some breakfast and while she was munching on it, she suddenly called out: "Oma?"
Me: "Yes"?
Emmaly: "I am so happy today"!
If that doesn't tug at your heartstrings, nothing will. It did ours.

We were grateful the weather was cooperating and they could go outside and play. Aunt A. had gotten each of them a small toy to blow bubbles with and who can resist that?

Everyone had a great time and I wholeheartedly agreed with Emmaly: I am so happy today! :-)


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