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Monday, November 11, 2013

A Quick Response

Date of occurrence:
May 12, 2013.

I really don't know where she got it, but our oldest granddaughter Emmaly is one smart cookie and never shy for an answer.

She was playing with her toy phone when she handed it over to me with the message that I had to talk to 'Missy'. I thought to have some fun with her and told her I didn't know any missy. She insisted though that I needed to talk to her.

I told her again I didn't know who missy was and asked her if it was okay to call someone else. 'How about I call you'? I proposed to her. Instantaneously the reply was: 'No, because I am here'.

A little later she inquired if she could have a snack and I gave her a stick of string cheese. She walked to the office and showed Opa what she got. To express his delight his answer was; 'Hot dog'!
Without hesitation she told him it was not a hotdog, but cheese.

It must have thrown her for a loop, because she turned to me for confirmation; 'It is cheese, huh Oma'? I couldn't help but smile and reassured her it was cheese.

She still has to get familiar with words used as an expression, but she sure has no problem using words to express her own little self! Grin.


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