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Monday, November 25, 2013

Served With A Smile

Date of occurrence:
May 22, 2013.

We all are probably aware of the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is not always easy and feasible to take the time and sit down for it, especially when work, school, or in Levi's case, daycare is calling.

A day off is therefore always welcome. No alarm clock rudely disturbing the sound, peaceful sleep and no rushing at the beginning of the day getting ready. Simply go with the flow and if that means breakfast turns into brunch then no sweat.

It is not so much the food that is being put out on the table, although it is always highly appreciated when that satisfies our exquisite taste buds. It is mainly the company who makes the experience so pleasurable.

I can not imagine how someone who got up on the wrong side of the bed would or could stay grumpy very long when brunch is waiting with such a big smile at the other end of the table.

Taking the time to enjoy the first meal of the day may be significant, but when it is served with such an endearing smile it will have a positive impact on the remainder of the waking hours.

If that smile does not make your day than nothing will!


Blogger audrey` said...

Agree! HaHa! Sometimes I have breakfast twice, Lieve Zus. HeHe! :)

26/11/13 5:28 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I have to admit most of the times I skip breakfast. I know, I know, that is not good. Hehe.


God's Grace.

26/11/13 5:36 AM  

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