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Monday, November 18, 2013

The Sweetest Smile

Date of occurrence:
May 20, 2013.

While mom was running an errand for us, I watched little Bell this morning. She was still asleep when our youngest daughter headed out, but it didn't take very long before she woke up and made it known by uttering some sounds.

I went to get her and as soon as I bent over her crib, I was greeted with the biggest smile she could produce. First order of the day; diaper change. Second order of the day; tell Opa 'good morning'. He too got treated to sweet smiles.

She was still a little out of it and enjoyed her rocker for a little while and played with one of her toys, until an unmistakable smell rose up and filled the air. Uh oh, she had a present for me I could have done without and another diaper change was in order.

I thought I might do well to fix her a bottle. She had already been fed earlier, but this little glutton can hardly ever seem to get enough and I wanted to be prepared in case she started fussing.

She was sitting with Opa, watching a cartoon when she heard the shaking of the bottle. That was her sign. Nothing else but that bottle would do, so she got it.

The little critter was getting very tired though and was squirming while filling that little tummy. The bottle escaped from her mouth, she looked up at me and gave me the sweetest smile ever.

Where is that camera when I need it? Sigh.


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